a good place for dogs (15020)
a good place for dogs (15020)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

beach combers (18073)
beach combers (18073)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

dancers in the space between trees (20007)
dancers in the space between trees (20007)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

Le péché du magicien (17107)
Le péché du magicien (17107)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

something about eating a carrot (17025)
something about eating a carrot (17025)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

The wounded become thirsty (18079)
The wounded become thirsty (18079)

size: 30x40 inches

medium: oil on canvas

price: $6,400

L’immortel avec le jus de deux oranges (20019)
L’immortel avec le jus de deux oranges (20019)

size: 42x36 inches

medium: oil on canvas

price: $7,700

Open House (clothed only in words) (20043)
Open House (clothed only in words) (20043)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6400

a good place for dogs (15020)
beach combers (18073)
dancers in the space between trees (20007)
Le péché du magicien (17107)
something about eating a carrot (17025)
The wounded become thirsty (18079)
L’immortel avec le jus de deux oranges (20019)
Open House (clothed only in words) (20043)
a good place for dogs (15020)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

beach combers (18073)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

dancers in the space between trees (20007)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

Le péché du magicien (17107)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

something about eating a carrot (17025)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6,400

The wounded become thirsty (18079)

size: 30x40 inches

medium: oil on canvas

price: $6,400

L’immortel avec le jus de deux oranges (20019)

size: 42x36 inches

medium: oil on canvas

price: $7,700

Open House (clothed only in words) (20043)

size: 40x30 inches

medium: oil on canvas on panel

price: $6400

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